2025 Tornados Skills Clinic Registration

Please fill out the form to register for the skills clinics, as a reminder dates are as follows:

  • February 25th – Time TBD – St. Charles, IL (Will start with an emphasis on fundamentals but will start to add in attack formations and plays) No opposition
  • March 8th – Time TBD – Chicago Lions Pitch (Will begin breaking forwards and backs to specific skill sessions)

Cost: $20/per camp, or $50 if registered for all three.

Guardian Name(Required)
Guardian Email(Required)
Player Name(Required)
Enter none if your new to rugby.
Select how many years you have been playing rugby.
Positions Played
Clinics Attending(Required)
If you select “All 3 Clinics” do not select the other option, you will also save $10.
Supported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa
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