2024 Summer AGM

Summer AGM is scheduled for Saturday July 20th at The Irish American Heritage Center, 4626 N Knox Ave.
Chicago, IL 60630. 
Rugby Illinois holds two General Meetings (AGMs) each year, attended by representatives of all member clubs.

The summer meeting is for elections (All position are open for application) and the determination of action items requiring significant preparation time for the next competitive season.
The winter meeting is for budget approval, scheduling issues and select side preparation review. Minutes of prior meetings can be found below.

Any interested individual can submit their application at https://rugbyillinois.org/board-and-competition-position-application/, but please read through the rest of this page to get an understanding of each role and expectation.

Board Position Descriptions

Select the position titles below to learn more about each role.  It is recommended to read through the full bylaws at https://rugbyillinois.org/bylaws/

The President assumes primary responsibility for the execution of all Rugby Illinois activities. He/She shall preside at all Union meetings and shall ensure execution of any and all decisions enacted by Rugby Illinois membership or Executive Committee.

The President shall represent Rugby Illinois and its interests in all interactions with CARFU, the MWRFU, USA Rugby and any and all Rugby Organizations and potential vendors or sponsors. The President sits on the Rugby Illinois Board of Directors and the Rugby Illinois Executive Committee.

The primary responsibility of the Vice-President of Competition is to ensure the appropriate handling of all issues related to the playing of rugby among Rugby Illinois clubs. He/she shall also assist the President with all duties requested, to include assuming the roles of the President in his/her absence. The Vice-President of Competition sits on the Rugby Illinois Executive Committee and chairs the Rugby Illinois Competition Committee.

The primary responsibility of the Vice-President of Development is to drive the development of youth rugby in Illinois. He/she shall oversee the Youth Development Officer, Rugby Outreach Ambassador(s), and other similar positions and shall coordinate coach certification and training courses. He/she shall organize and coordinate referee certification Revision 6 Page 4 of 14 Amended August 11, 2018 and training courses; recruit, manage and organize both experienced and inexperienced referees to officiate youth rugby games.

The Vice-President of Development shall also assist the President with all duties requested, to include assuming the roles of the President in his/her absence. The Vice-President of Development sits on the Rugby Illinois Executive Committee.

The primary responsibility of the Vice-President of Marketing is to ensure the appropriate marketing of youth rugby on behalf of Rugby Illinois to drive growth of rugby in Illinois and shall also assist the President with all duties requested, to include assuming the roles of the President in his/her absence. The Vice-President of Marketing sits on the Rugby Illinois Executive Committee.

The Secretary assumes responsibility for all communication and record keeping within the organization. This includes, but may not necessarily be limited to, maintenance of all records of Rugby Illinois, maintenance of minutes of all meetings, service as official correspondent of Rugby Illinois, maintenance and distribution of the membership directory and, if necessary, shall also assist the President with all duties requested, to include assuming the roles of the President in his/her absence. The Secretary sits on the Rugby Illinois Board of Directors and the Rugby Illinois Executive Committee.

The Treasurer assumes responsibility for all financial issues within Rugby Illinois. This responsibility includes, but may not necessarily be limited to, maintenance of financial records, disbursement of funds as directed by the Executive Committee, presentation at each Rugby Illinois General Meeting a report of the organization’s current financial position, preparation of the Annual Budget for organization approval and shall also assist the President with all duties requested, to include assuming the roles of the President in his/her absence. The Treasurer sits as a member of the Rugby Illinois Board of Directors and the Rugby Illinois Executive Committee.

The Rugby Illinois Compliance Officer has responsibility for the monitoring of
member club compliance with requirements set forth in the Bylaws, recommend to the membership Rules and consequences of compliance failure and the reporting of such to the Executive and Competition Committees for execution of said consequences.

The Compliance Officer sits as a member of Rugby Illinois Executive Committee.

The Rugby Illinois Disciplinarian has responsibility for the establishment of
disciplinary policies for all play within the organization, collection of information regarding incidents of inappropriate behavior by members or opponents of the organization’s members and the establishment, execution and follow-up on such incidents. The Disciplinarian sits on the Rugby Illinois Competition Committee.

Board Positions up for election

President for a 1-year term*
Incumbent: Sean Bracken

Secretary for a 1-year term*
Incumbent: Jennifer Kelliher

Treasurer for a 1-year term
Incumbent: Michael Kanzler

Vice President of Competition for a 1-year term
Incumbent: Theo Gilbert

Vice President of Development for a 1-year term

Incumbent: Charles Thorndyke

Vice President of Marketing for a 1-year term*
Incumbent: Dave Campos

Compliance Officer for a 1-year term
Incumbent: OPEN

Disciplinarian for a 1-year term
Incumbent: Sal Carfagno

Competition positions up for election

Girls HS Coordinator for a 1-year term
Incumbent: Kassandra Lepe

Boys HS D1 Coordinator for a 1-year term
Incumbent: Jack Sullivan

Boys HS D2 Coordinator for a 1-year term
Incumbent: Karen Kalicki


Boys HS D3 Coordinator for a 1-year term
Incumbent: Douw OKelly

Middle School Coordinator for a 1-year term
Incumbent: Craig Air

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