The following form needs to be submitted annually by each club or school. If you have an EAP fill out the fields below and upload your document. If you don’t have you can utilize the USA Rugby Emergency Action plan template.

Your Name(Required)
Upload your EAP document.
Max. file size: 50 MB.

Each program needs an established emergency plan unique to each place of assembly. The action plan includes naming the individual trained to assess the situation, secondary assessment, 911 involvement protocol, parental contact responsibility, directions/contact information for the nearest hospital, and notation of a volunteer responsible for accompanying the injured athlete to the hospital. A detailed emergency action plan should be drafted prior to any activity, reviewed by all medical staff and made available on-site as a reference.

In developing an action plan, it is important to recruit all necessary medical staff and volunteers. Finding the right medical personnel can pose a challenge in terms of financial constraints and availability. Developing a strong relationship with local area sports medicine and physical therapy clinics can help solve this issue. A program might offer to refer all players and family members who need treatment in exchange for services from dedicated medical professionals.

Your Name(Required)
Upload your EAP document.
Max. file size: 50 MB.