New Rugby Illinois Board Members Elected

On Sunday July 30th, 2023 the club members of Rugby Illinois elected a new board.  We welcome Charles and Sal to the board.

  • President – Sean Bracken
  • Secretary – Jennifer Kelliher
  • Treasure – Michael Kanzler
  • Vice President of Competition – Theo Gilbert
  • Vice President of Development – Charles Thorndyke
  • Vice President of Marketing – Dave Campos
  • Compliance Officer – Tim Walsh
  • Disciplinarian – Sal Carfagno

In addition to the Executive Commitee we have in place our competition coordinators for the2024 season.

  • Girls HS Coordinator – Kassandra Lepe
  • Boys HS D1 Coordinator – OPEN
  • Boys HS D2 Coordinator – Karen Kalicki
  • Boys HS D3 Coordinator – OPEN
  • Middle School Coordinator – Craig Air