Steve Krause Scholarship Application

To apply for this scholarship, submit the following by May 1, 2023:

  • Personally written essay of application detailing the applicant’s history of performance that would qualify him/her for this award and his/her plan for use of the award.
  • Rugby Club Coach letter of recommendation outlining how the candidate has lived up to the aforementioned character traits. (Name, club name, email address and cell number must be included)
  • High School Teacher letter of recommendation outlining how the candidate has lived up to the aforementioned character traits. (Name, school, email address and cell number must be included)
  • Peer or Peer Family Member letter of recommendation outlining how the candidate has lived up to the aforementioned character traits. (Name, relationship to candidate, email address and cell number must be included)
  • Most recent grade transcript

When you have all of this ready submit via the form below.

Scholarship Application