
Boys Tornados Rugby Academy

The Tornados Rugby Academy will host a series of skills camps, combines, and player identification camps with the dual goal of improving overall rugby skill and team selection.

The Tornados Academy will then announce rosters and conduct practices in order to participate in two select side tournaments in June.

While Rugby Illinois provides Tornados with some initial funding, we still have some costs to cover, below you will find a breakdown of cost to participate.

We are committed to working to find ways for those with financial instability or demonstrated need to be able to afford the costs and still be able to play. Please reach out to Kyle or Sal with any questions.


Picture of Sal Carfagno

Sal Carfagno

Head of Operations
Email | Ph. 609-576-9765

Picture of Kyle Grossheider

Kyle Grossheider

Director of Rugby / U18 Boys Head Coach
Email | Ph. 708-955-5911

Tornados Rugby Academy 2025 Details

Skills Camps

  • February 9th – 6:30 – 8:30 – Naperville Yards (Emphasis on fundamentals at a higher level of play. Grading players on their skill level). **THIS SESSION HAS BEEN CANCELLED AND WILL BE RESCHEDULED. For any questions reach out to Kyle (
  • February 25th – Time TBD – St. Charles, IL (Will start with an emphasis on fundamentals but will start to add in attack formations and plays) No opposition
  • March 8th – Time TBD – Chicago Lions Pitch (Will begin breaking forwards and backs to specific skill sessions)

Cost: $20/per camp, or $50 if registered for all three.

Player combine

Will begin with skills and progress to implement defense opposed play, minimal contact. Breaking forwards and backs into specific skills sets with opposition

  • March 16th – Time & Location TBD

Cost: $25 – will include shirt.

Player ID & Skills Series

These will be in conjunction with RIL Youth Festivals.

  • April 6th (Team will practice together for the first half, then break down into backs and forwards for skills and opposed play.)
  • April 13th (Teams will practice together for the first half, then separate to backs//forwards  opposed play/ shoulder on contact)
  • April 19th (Teams will practice together, then separate into 2 teams.
  • April 27th (Teams will practice together for 20-30 minutes, separate into 2 teams for 30 minutes followed by possibles vs probables scrimmage.

Cost: $15 per camp, or $50 if registering for all four.

Roster Announcement

Projected 30-person roster per Team to be released April 28th. 

Cost: $200 to be member of Select Side Club.

Practices – Practice begins May 5th, twice a week, until the conclusion of tournaments. 


  • Buckeye Invitational on June 14th
  • Midwest Select Invitation on June 21st.